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Inmate H-02 DOING TIME: Challenge

Another challenger is here for DOING TIME - but will Inmate H-02 be the first to secure freedom by beating this surprisingly tough task?

We've seen all before him so far fail to beat the game, but he's determined to escape!

The challenge

Press the button inside the cell every 10 minutes... Unfortunately, he has no way of knowing just how much time has passed...

He is allowed 5 attempts within the hour and a margin of error of 30 seconds on each try.

Succeed at least 3 times to win a cash prize and his freedom.

Fail and his sentence will be doubled - with no early release, he will be going home defeated after serving another hour behind bars.

All video members can see the main show now

🟠STANDARD and 🔴ULTIMATE members can also see extra full-screen camera footage

Don't forget that as well as exclusive extra videos, 🔴Ultimate members are also able to see next week's videos NOW, so can see what happens next to Inmate H-02...


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