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Inmate H-03 DOING TIME: Challenge

Our first new face in 2025 plays DOING TIME - can Inmate H-03 judge the passing minutes well enough to earn his freedom?

On the outside, H-03 is a footballer, sports coach and model. But now, he's locked inside our solitary cell!

The challenge

He might be used to playing matches in halves of 45 minutes, but here the magic number is 10. Simply press the button inside the cell every 10 minutes... But of course, he has no way of knowing just how much time has passed!

He is allowed 5 attempts within his 60 minutes of incarceration. A margin of error of 30 seconds on each try is allowed, too.

Succeed at least 3 times to win the cash prize and his freedom from the jail.

Fail and his sentence will be doubled - he will be going home defeated but only once he has served another full hour behind bars!

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As well as exclusive extra videos, 🔴Ultimate members can see next week's content NOW - will it be a punishing additional hour for H-03?

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