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Inmate J-01 DOING TIME: Punishment

After a very close but ultimately unsuccessful DOING TIME challenge, Inmate J-01 must now reluctantly endure his punishment hour.

Visibly the most annoyed of any prisoner we've seen so far, he does not appreciate being imprisoned again!

His predicament is made worse by the addition of two chains to the cell - one across the middle, another on the floor. His handcuffs remain on his wrists and are locked to the middle chain. His leg irons are locked to the floor chain.

And then he is left alone with his thoughts behind the locked cell door for another hour...

All video members can see the main show now!

🟠STANDARD and 🔴ULTIMATE members can also see extra footage from full-screen camera footage

As always, 🔴Ultimate members can see next week's videos NOW, so can enjoy seeing Inmate J-02 arrested and jailed a week before everybody else!


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