The test episode of a brand new format sees a very talkative inmate sent to the QUIZ PRISON…

It’s up to Inmate L-02 to make his escape before his 60 minute sentence is up!
Being a pilot episode, you will notice some differences to the regular episodes when they follow - these will be described when released!
For this pilot episode, things start off in typical Solitary Sixty style: our inmate is arrested before changing into his orange uniform to start the challenge. He’s chained at the wrists and the door is locked with 4 padlocks.
The challenge
During his hour-long sentence inside the cell, he will see quiz questions on a monitor outside. He must keep note of the numerical answers and use the corresponding digits to release the keys that dangle inside the cell.
He won’t be able to reach the keys until one of his wrists is unchained when there are just 5 minutes remaining - so he had better make good use of the notebook and pencil provided to keep track!
Escape before the hour is over and he can go free…
But fail, and his sentence will be doubled - he will be serving another hour behind bars next week, and it won’t be comfortable!